type function description Input example Output example
AggregationResult Get(type int) (interface{}, error) Returns the aggregation result    
Container CreateIndex(params map[string]interface{}) error
Note: params consists of "column_name", "Index_type", "name".
Creates a specified type of index on the specified Column    
DropIndex(params map[string]interface{}) error
Note: params consists of "column_name", "Index_type", "name".
Removes the specified type of index among indexes on the specified Column    
Flush() error Writes the results of earlier updates to a non-volatile storage medium, such as SSD, so as to prevent the data loss even if all cluster nodes stop suddenly    
Put(row []interface{}) error Newly creates or update a Row []interface{} {1, "val"}  
Query(str string) (Query, error) Creates a query to execute the specified TQL statement    
GetType() (containerType int, error) Get container type    
Abort() error Rolls back the result of the current transaction and starts a new transaction in the manual commit mode    
Commit() error Commits the result of the current transaction and start a new transaction in the manual commit mode    
SetAutoCommit(enabled bool) error Change the setting of the commit mode    
Get(key interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)  Returns the content of a Row corresponding to Row key   []interface{} {1, "val"}
Remove(key interface{}) error
Deletes a Row corresponding to Row key    
MultiPut(rowList [][]interface{}) error Newly creates an arbitrary number of Rows together based on the specified Row objects group [][]interface{}{{1, "val1"}, {2, "val2"}}  
QueryAnalysisEntry Get() ([]interface{}, error)  Returns one of information entries composing a query plan and the results of analyzing a query operation    
PartitionController GetPartitionCount() (int, error)  Get partition count    
GetContainerCount(partitionIndex int) (int64, error) Get the total number of containers belonging to a specified partition    
GetContainerNames(partitionIndex int, start int, limit int) ([]string, error)  Get a list of the Container names belonging to a specified partition   []string{"container1", "container2", "container3"}
GetPartitionIndexOfContainer(containerName string) (int, error) Get the partition index corresponding to the specified Container name    
Query Fetch(forUpdate=false bool) (RowSet, error) Executes a specified query with the specified option and returns a set of Rows as an execution result    
GetRowSet() (RowSet, error)  Returns RowSet as the latest result    
SetFetchOptions(params map[string]interface{}) error
Note: parames consists of "limit", "partial".
Sets an fetch option for a result acquisition    
RowKeyPredicate GetKeyType() (type int) Get key type    
GetRange() ([]interface{}, error)
Returns the value of Row key at the start and end position of the range condition   []interface{}{1, 100}
Note: two values means start and end position
SetRange(start interface{}, end interface{}) error Sets the value of Row key as the start and end position of the range conditions    
SetDistinctKeys(keys []interface{}) error
Adds the value of  Row key as one of the elements in the individual condition []interface{}{"val1", "val2", "val3"}  
GetDistinctKeys() ([]interface{}, error)  Returns a set of the values of the Row keys that configure the individual condition.   []interface{}{"val1", "val2", "val3"}
RowSet Remove() error Deletes the Row at the current cursor position    
NextRow() ([]interface{}, error) Moves the cursor to the next element in a object set and returns the object at the moved position   []interface{} {1, "val"}
GetNextQueryAnalysis() (QueryAnalysisEntry, error)  Returns QueryAnalysisEntry object    
GetNextAggregation() (AggregationResult, error)  Returns AggregationResult object    
GetType() (rowSetType int) Get row set type    
Size() int Get size    
HasNext() bool Returns whether a Row set has at least one Row ahead of the current cursor position    
Update(row []interface{} ) error Updates the values except a Row key of the Row at the cursor position, using the specified Row object []interface{} {1, "val"}  
Store PutContainer(info ContainerInfo, modifiable=false bool) (Container, error) Newly creates or update a Container with the specified Container properties    
GetContainer(name string) (Container, error) Get a Container instance whose rows can be processed using a Row object    
DropContainer(name string) error Delete a Container with the specified name    
GetContainerInfo(name string) (ContainerInfo, error)  Get information related to a Container with the specified name    
FetchAll(queryList []Query) error Query execution and fetch is carried out on a specified arbitrary number of Query, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible    
MultiPut(containerEntry map[string][][]interface{}) error New creation or update operation is carried out on an arbitrary number of rows of a Container, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible map[string][][]interface{}
{"container1": [][]interface{}{{1, "val1"}, {2, "val2"}},
"container2": [][]interface{}{{1, "val3"}, {2, "val4"}}}
MultiGet(predicateEntry map[string]RowKeyPredicate) (map[string][][]interface{}, error)  Returns an arbitrary number and range of Rows in any Container based on the specified conditions, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible map[string]griddb_go.RowKeyPredicate
{"container1":pred1, "container2":pred2}
{"container1": [][]interface{}{{1, "val1"}, {2, "val2"}},
"container2": [][]interface{}{{1, "val3"}, {2, "val4"}}}
PartitionInfo() (PartitionController, error)  Read-only attribute    
CreateRowKeyPredicate( type int) (RowKeyPredicate, error)  Creates a matching condition with the specified GSType as the type of Row key    
StoreFactory griddb_go.StoreFactoryGetInstance() StoreFactory Returns a default StoreFactory instance    
GetStore(params map[string]interface{} ) (Store, error)

Note: params consists of "host", "port", "cluster_name", "username", "password", "notification_member", "notification_provider"
Returns a Store with the specified properties

Note: If this host is multicast address, host/port means notificationAddress/notificationPort for C Client.
GetVersion() string Returns the current version of client    
ContainerInfo griddb_go.CreateContainerInfo(params map[string]interface{}) ContainerInfo

Note: params consists of "name", "column_info_list", "type", "row_key", "expiration"
Create ContainerInfo object "column_info_list": [][]interface{}
{{"ts", griddb_go.TYPE_TIMESTAMP},
{"val", griddb_go.TYPE_LONG, griddb_go.TYPE_OPTION_NOT_NULL}}
SetName(name string) Set name    
GetName() string Get name    
SetColumnInfoList(params [][]interface{}) Set list of column information [][]interface{}
{{"ts", griddb_go.TYPE_TIMESTAMP},
{"val", griddb_go.TYPE_LONG, griddb.TYPE_OPTION_NOT_NULL}}
GetColumnInfoList() [][]interface{} Get list of column information   [][]interface{}
{{"ts", griddb_go.TYPE_TIMESTAMP},
{"val", griddb_go.TYPE_LONG, griddb.TYPE_OPTION_NOT_NULL}}
GetType() (containerType int) Get container type    
SetType(containerType int) Set container type    
SetRowKeyAssigned(rowKeyAssigned bool) Set rowKeyAssigned    
GetRowKeyAssigned() bool Get rowKeyAssigned    
SetExpirationInfo(expirationInfo ExpirationInfo) Set ExpirationInfo object    
GetExpirationInfo() ExpirationInfo  Get ExpirationInfo object    
ExpirationInfo griddb.CreateExpirationInfo(time int, timUnit int, divisionCount int) ExpirationInfo Create ExpirationInfo object    
GetTime() int Get expiration time    
SetTime(time int) Set expiration time    
GetTimeUnit() (timeUnit int) Get expiration time unit    
SetTimeUnit(timeUnit int) Set expiration time unit    
GetDivisionCount() int Get division count    
SetDivisionCount( divisionCount int) Set division count    
  griddb_go.GetTimeMillis(t TIme) int Get millisecond since January 1, 1970 UTC from Go Time object    
Green means additional function.
Red means interface modification.
Blue means the change from constructor to function for creating an object.