class method description the correspond C client API
AggregationResult long get_long()
float get_double()
GSTimestamp get_timestamp()
Returns the aggregation result as the value with specified type GSBool gsGetAggregationValue (GSAggregationResult *aggregationResult, void *value, GSType valueType)
Container void create_index(string columnName, GSIndexTypeFlags indexType) Creates a specified type of index on the specified Column GSResult gsCreateIndex (GSContainer *container, const GSChar *columnName, GSIndexTypeFlags flags)
void drop_index(string columName, GSIndexTypeFlags indexType) Removes the specified type of index among indexes on the specified Column GSResult gsDropIndex (GSContainer *container, const GSChar *columnName, GSIndexTypeFlags flags)
void flush() Writes the results of earlier updates to a non-volatile storage medium, such as SSD, so as to prevent the data loss even if all cluster nodes stop suddenly GSResult gsFlush (GSContainer *container)
boolean put_row(Row row) Newly creates or update a Row GSResult gsPutRow (GSContainer *container, const void *key, const void *rowObj, GSBool *exists)
Query query(string queryString) Creates a query to execute the specified TQL statement GSResult gsQuery (GSContainer *container, const GSChar *queryString, GSQuery **query)
GSContainerType get_type() Return the type of specified Container GSResult gsGetContainerType (GSContainer *container, GSContainerType *type)
Row create_row() Create a new Row object based on the column layout of specified Container GSResult gsCreateRowByContainer (GSContainer *container, GSRow **row)
void abort() Rolls back the result of the current transaction and starts a new transaction in the manual commit mode GSResult gsAbort (GSContainer *container)
void commit() Commits the result of the current transaction and start a new transaction in the manual commit mode GSResult gsCommit (GSContainer *container)
void set_auto_commit(boolean enabled) Change the setting of the commit mode GSResult gsSetAutoCommit (GSContainer *container, GSBool enabled)
boolean get_row_by_integer(int key, boolean forUpdate, Row row) Returns the content of a Row corresponding to the INTEGER-type Row key GSResult gsGetRowByInteger (GSContainer *container, int32_t key, void *rowObj, GSBool forUpdate, GSBool *exists)
boolean get_row_by_long(long key, boolean forUpdate, Row row) Returns the content of a Row corresponding to the LONG-type Row key GSResult gsGetRowByLong (GSContainer *container, int64_t key, void *rowObj, GSBool forUpdate, GSBool *exists)
boolean get_row_by_timestamp(GSTimestamp key, boolean forUpdate, Row row) Returns the content of a Row corresponding to the TIMESTAMP-type Row key GSResult gsGetRowByTimestamp (GSContainer *container, GSTimestamp key, void *rowObj, GSBool forUpdate, GSBool *exists)
boolean get_row_by_string(string key, boolean forUpdate, Row row) Returns the content of a Row corresponding to the STRING-type Row key GSResult gsGetRowByString (GSContainer *container, const GSChar *key, void *rowObj, GSBool forUpdate, GSBool *exists)
boolean put_row_by_integer(int key, Row row) Newly creates or update a Row by specifying the INTEGER type Row key GSResult gsPutRowByInteger (GSContainer *container, int32_t key, const void *rowObj, GSBool *exists)
boolean put_row_by_long(long key, Row row) Newly creates or update a Row by specifying the LONG type Row key GSResult gsPutRowByLong (GSContainer *container, int64_t key, const void *rowObj, GSBool *exists)
boolean put_row_by_timestamp(GSTimestamp key, Row row) Newly creates or update a Row by specifying the TIMESTAMP type Row key GSResult gsPutRowByTimestamp (GSContainer *container, GSTimestamp key, const void *rowObj, GSBool *exists)
boolean put_row_by_string(string key, Row row) Newly creates or update a Row by specifying the STRING type Row key GSResult gsPutRowByString (GSContainer *container, const GSChar *key, const void *rowObj, GSBool *exists)
boolean delete_row_by_integer(int key) Deletes a Row corresponding to the INTEGER-type Row key GSResult gsDeleteRowByInteger (GSContainer *container, int32_t key, GSBool *exists)
boolean delete_row_by_long(long key) Deletes a Row corresponding to the LONG-type Row key GSResult gsDeleteRowByLong (GSContainer *container, int64_t key, GSBool *exists)
boolean delete_row_by_timestamp(GSTimestamp key) Deletes a Row corresponding to the TIMESTAMP-type Row key GSResult gsDeleteRowByTimestamp (GSContainer *container, GSTimestamp key, GSBool *exists)
boolean delete_row_by_string(string key) Deletes a Row corresponding to the STRING-type Row key GSResult gsDeleteRowByString (GSContainer *container, const GSChar *key, GSBool *exists)
boolean put_multi_row(list rowList) Newly creates an arbitrary number of Rows together based on the specified Row objects group GSResult gsPutMultipleRows (GSContainer *container, const void *const *rowObjs, size_t rowCount, GSBool *exists)
GSException boolean is_timeout() This function can be used to determine whether the result of the requested process shows the error code corresponding to the error that occurred when the requested process is not completed within a predetermined time GSBool gsIsTimeoutError (GSResult result)
PartitionController int get_partition_count() Get the number of partitions in the target GridDB cluster GSResult gsGetPartitionCount (GSPartitionController *controller, int32_t *partitionCount)
long get_partition_container_count(int partitionIndex) Get the total number of containers belonging to a specified partition GSResult gsGetPartitionContainerCount (GSPartitionController *controller, int32_t partitionIndex, int64_t *containerCount)
list get_partition_container_names(int partitionIndex, long start, long limit) Get a list of the Container names belonging to a specified partition GSResult gsGetPartitionContainerNames (GSPartitionController *controller, int32_t partitionIndex, int64_t start, const int64_t *limit, const GSChar *const **nameList, size_t *size)
int get_partition_index_of_container(string containerName) Get the partition index corresponding to the specified Container name GSResult gsGetPartitionIndexOfContainer (GSPartitionController *controller, const GSChar *containerName, int32_t *partitionIndex)
Query RowSet fetch(boolean forUpdate) Executes a specified query with the specified option and returns a set of Rows as an execution result GSResult gsFetch (GSQuery *query, GSBool forUpdate, GSRowSet **rowSet)
RowSet get_row_set() Returns RowSet as the latest result GSResult gsGetRowSet (GSQuery *query, GSRowSet **rowSet)
void set_fetch_option_integer(GSFetchOption fetchOption, int value)
void set_fetch_option_long(GSFetchOption fetchOption, long value)
Sets an fetch option for a result acquisition GSResult gsSetFetchOption (GSQuery *query, GSFetchOption fetchOption, const void *value, GSType valueType)
Resource int get_error_stack_size() Returns the stack size of last error information related to specified resource size_t gsGetErrorStackSize (void *gsResource)
GSResult get_error_code(int stackIndex) Returns the error code of last error related to specified resource GSResult gsGetErrorCode (void *gsResource, size_t stackIndex)
string format_error_message(int stackIndex, int bufSize) Returns the message of last error related to specified resource size_t gsFormatErrorMessage (void *gsResource, size_t stackIndex, GSChar *strBuf, size_t bufSize)
string format_error_location(int stackIndex, int bufSize) Returns the error location of the internal module to the message of last error related to specified resource size_t gsFormatErrorLocation (void *gsResource, size_t stackIndex, GSChar *strBuf, size_t bufSize)
Row void set_field_by_string(int column, string value) Sets the STRING-type value to the specified field GSResult gsSetRowFieldByString (GSRow *row, int32_t column, const GSChar *fieldValue)
String get_field_as_string(int column) Returns the STRING-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsString (GSRow *row, int32_t column, const GSChar **fieldValue)
void set_field_by_bool(int column, boolean value) Sets the BOOL-type value to the specified field GSResult gsSetRowFieldByBool (GSRow *row, int32_t column, GSBool fieldValue)
boolean get_field _as_bool(int column) Returns the BOOL-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsBool (GSRow *row, int32_t column, GSBool *fieldValue)
void set_field_by_byte(int column, int value) Sets the BYTE-type value to the specified field GsResult gsSetRowFieldByByte (GSRow *row, int32_t column, int8_t fieldValue)
int get_field _as_byte(int column) Returns the BYTE-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsByte (GSRow *row, int32_t column, int8_t *fieldValue)
void set_field_by_short(int column, int value) Sets the SHORT-type value to the specified field GSResult gsSetRowFieldByShort (GSRow *row, int32_t column, int16_t fieldValue)
int get_field _as_short(int column) Returns the SHORT-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsShort (GSRow *row, int32_t column, int16_t *fieldValue)
void set_field_by_integer(int column, int value) Sets the INTEGER-type value to the specified field GSResult gsSetRowFieldByInteger (GSRow *row, int32_t column, int32_t fieldValue)
int get_field _as_integer(int column) Returns the INTEGER-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsInteger (GSRow *row, int32_t column, int32_t *fieldValue)
void set_field_by_long(int column, long value) Sets the LONG-type value to the specified field GSResult gsSetRowFieldByLong (GSRow *row, int32_t column, int64_t fieldValue)
long get_field _as_long(int column) Returns the LONG-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsLong (GSRow *row, int32_t column, int64_t *fieldValue)
void set_field_by_float(int column, float value) Sets the FLOAT-type value to the specified field GSResult gsSetRowFieldByFloat (GSRow *row, int32_t column, float fieldValue)
float get_field_as_float(int column) Returns the FLOAT-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsFloat (GSRow *row, int32_t column, float *fieldValue)
void set_field_by_double(int column, float value) Sets the DOUBLE-type value to the specified field GSResult gsSetRowFieldByDouble (GSRow *row, int32_t column, double fieldValue)
float get_field_as_double(int column) Returns the DOUBLE-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsDouble (GSRow *row, int32_t column, double *fieldValue)
void set_field_by_timestamp (int column, GSTimestamp value) Sets the TIMESTAMP-type value to the specified field GSResult gsSetRowFieldByTimestamp (GSRow *row, int32_t column, GSTimestamp fieldValue)
GSTimestamp get_field _as_timestamp(int column) Returns the TIMESTAMP-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsTimestamp (GSRow *row, int32_t column, GSTimestamp *fieldValue)
void set_field_by_blob(int column, bytearray value) Sets the BLOB-type value to the specified field GSResult gsSetRowFieldByBlob (GSRow *row, int32_t column, const GSBlob *fieldValue)
bytearray get_field_as_blob(int column) Returns the BLOB-type value in the specified field GSResult gsGetRowFieldAsBlob (GSRow *row, int32_t column, GSBlob *fieldValue)
ContainerInfo get_schema() Returns the schema corresponding to the specified Row GSResult gsGetRowSchema (GSRow *row, GSContainerInfo *schemaInfo)
RowKeyPredicate GSType get_key_type() Returns the type of Row key used as a search condition GSResult gsGetPredicateKeyType (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, GSType *keyType)
string get_start_key_as_string() Returns the value of the STRING-type Row key at the starting position of the range condition GSResult gsGetPredicateStartKeyAsString (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const GSChar **startKey)
int get_start_key_as_integer() Returns the value of the INTEGER-type Row key at the starting position of the range condition GSResult gsGetPredicateStartKeyAsInteger (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const int32_t **startKey)
long get_start_key_as_long() Returns the value of the LONG-type Row key at the starting position of the range condition GSResult gsGetPredicateStartKeyAsLong (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const int64_t **startKey)
GSTimestamp get_start_key_as_timestamp() Returns the value of the TIMESTAMP-type Row key at the starting position of the range condition GSResult gsGetPredicateStartKeyAsTimestamp (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const GSTimestamp **startKey)
string get_finish_key_as_string() Returns the value of the STRING-type Row key at the end position of the range condition GSResult gsGetPredicateFinishKeyAsString (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const GSChar **finishKey)
int get_finish_key_as_integer() Returns the value of the INTEGER-type Row key at the end position of the range condition GSResult gsGetPredicateFinishKeyAsInteger (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const int32_t **finishKey)
long get_finish_key_as_long() Returns the value of the LONG-type Row key at the end position of the range condition GSResult gsGetPredicateFinishKeyAsLong (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const int64_t **finishKey)
GSTimestamp get_finish_key_as_timestamp() Returns the value of the TIMESTAMP-type Row key at the end position of the range condition GSResult gsGetPredicateFinishKeyAsTimestamp (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const GSTimestamp **finishKey)
void set_start_key_by_string(string startKey) Sets the value of the STRING-type Row key as the start position of the range conditions GSResult gsSetPredicateStartKeyByString (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const GSChar *startKey)
void set_start_key_by_integer(int startKey) Sets the value of the INTEGER-type Row key as the start position of the range conditions GSResult gsSetPredicateStartKeyByInteger (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const int32_t *startKey)
void set_start_key_by_long(long startKey) Sets the value of the LONG-type Row key as the start position of the range conditions GSResult gsSetPredicateStartKeyByLong (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const int64_t *startKey)
void set_start_key_by_timestamp(GSTimestamp startKey) Sets the value of the TIMESTAMP-type Row key as the start position of the range conditions GSResult gsSetPredicateStartKeyByTimestamp (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const GSTimestamp *startKey)
void set_finish_key_by_string(string finishKey) Sets the value of the STRING-type Row key as the end position of the range conditions GSResult gsSetPredicateFinishKeyByString (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const GSChar *finishKey)
void set_finish_key_by_integer(GSTimestamp finishKey) Sets the value of the INTEGER-type Row key as the end position of the range conditions GSResult gsSetPredicateFinishKeyByInteger (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const int32_t *finishKey)
void set_finish_key_by_long(long finishKey) Sets the value of the LONG-type Row key as the end position of the range conditions GSResult gsSetPredicateFinishKeyByLong (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const int64_t *finishKey)
void set_finish_key_by_timestamp(GSTimestamp finishKey) Sets the value of the TIMESTAMP-type Row key as the end position of the range conditions GSResult gsSetPredicateFinishKeyByTimestamp (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const GSTimestamp *finishKey)
void add_key_by_string(string key) Adds the value of the STRING-type Row key as one of the elements in the individual condition GSResult gsAddPredicateKeyByString (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, const GSChar *key)
void add_key_by_integer(int key) Adds the value of the INTEGER-type Row key as one of the elements in the individual condition GSResult gsAddPredicateKeyByInteger (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, int32_t key)
void add_key_by_long(long key) Adds the value of the LONG-type Row key as one of the elements in the individual condition GSResult gsAddPredicateKeyByLong (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, int64_t key)
void add_key_by_timestamp(GSTimestamp key) Adds the value of the TIMESTAMP-type Row key as one of the elements in the individual condition GSResult gsAddPredicateKeyByTimestamp (GSRowKeyPredicate *predicate, GSTimestamp key)
RowSet void delete_current() Deletes the Row at the current cursor position GSResult gsDeleteCurrentRow (GSRowSet *rowSet)
void get_next(Row row) Moves the cursor to the next Row in a Row set and returns the Row object at the moved position GSResult gsGetNextRow (GSRowSet *rowSet, void *rowObj)
AggregationResult get_next_aggregation() Moves the cursor to the next Row in a Row set and returns the aggregation result at the moved position GSResult gsGetNextAggregation (GSRowSet *rowSet, GSAggregationResult **aggregationResult)
GSRowSetType get_type() Returns the type of Row set GSRowSetType gsGetRowSetType (GSRowSet *rowSet)
int get_size() Returns the size of Row set, i.e. the number of Row when a Row set is created int32_t gsGetRowSetSize (GSRowSet *rowSet)
boolean has_next() Returns whether a Row set has at least one Row ahead of the current cursor position GSBool gsHasNextRow (GSRowSet *rowSet)
void update_current(Row row) Updates the values except a Row key of the Row at the cursor position, using the specified Row object GSResult gsUpdateCurrentRow (GSRowSet *rowSet, const void *rowObj)
Store Container put_container(string containerName, list<Tuples columnInfo> columnInfolist, GSContainerType containerType, boolean modifiable, boolean rowKeyAssigned, boolean columnOrderIgnorable, int rowExpirationTime, GSTimeUnit rowExpirationTimeUnit, int expirationDivisionCount) Newly creates or update a Container with the specified Container properties GSResult gsPutContainerGeneral (GSGridStore *store, const GSChar *name, const GSContainerInfo *info, GSBool modifiable, GSContainer **container)                  
Container get_container(string containerName) Get a Container instance whose rows can be processed using a Row object GSResult gsGetContainerGeneral (GSGridStore *store, const GSChar *name, GSContainer **container)         
void drop_container(string containerName) Delete a Container with the specified name GSResult gsDropContainer (GSGridStore *store, const GSChar *name)
ContainerInfo get_container_info(string containerName) Get information related to a Container with the specified name GSResult gsGetContainerInfo (GSGridStore *store, const GSChar *name, GSContainerInfo *info, GSBool *exists)
void fetch_all(list queryList) Query execution and fetch is carried out on a specified arbitrary number of Query, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible GSResult gsFetchAll (GSGridStore *store, GSQuery *const *queryList, size_t queryCount)
void put_multi_container_row(dict{string containerName : list rowList} containerEntry) New creation or update operation is carried out on an arbitrary number of rows of a Container, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible GSResult gsPutMultipleContainerRows (GSGridStore *store, const GSContainerRowEntry *entryList, size_t entryCount)
dict{string containerName : list rowList} get_multi_container_row(dict{string containerName : RowKeyPredicate predicate} predicateEntry) Returns an arbitrary number and range of Rows in any Container based on the specified conditions, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible GSResult gsGetMultipleContainerRows (GSGridStore *store, const GSRowKeyPredicateEntry *const *predicateList, size_t predicateCount, const GSContainerRowEntry **entryList, size_t *entryCount)
PartitionController get_partition_controller() Returns PartitionController corresponding to GridDB cluster GSResult gsGetPartitionController (GSGridStore *store, GSPartitionController **partitionController)
RowKeyPredicate create_row_key_predicate(GSType keyType) Creates a matching condition with the specified GSType as the type of Row key GSResult gsCreateRowKeyPredicate (GSGridStore *store, GSType keyType, GSRowKeyPredicate **predicate)
StoreFactory StoreFactory StoreFactory.get_default() Returns a default StoreFactory instance GSGridStoreFactory* gsGetDefaultFactory ()
Store get_store(dict StoreProperties) Returns a Store with the specified properties GSResult gsGetGridStore (GSGridStoreFactory *factory, const GSPropertyEntry *properties, size_t propertyCount, GSGridStore **store)
void set_properties(dict StoreProperties) Changes the settings for specified Factory GSResult gsSetFactoryProperties (GSGridStoreFactory *factory, const GSPropertyEntry *properties, size_t propertyCount)
string get_version() Return the current version of client NA
Timestamp static GSTimestamp current() Returns the current time GSTimestamp gsCurrentTime ()
static GSTimestamp add_time(GSTimestamp timestamp, int amount, GSTimeUnit timeUnit) Adds a specific value to the specified time GSTimestamp gsAddTime (GSTimestamp timestamp, int32_t amount, GSTimeUnit timeUnit)
static string format_time(GSTimestamp timestamp, int bufSize) Returns the string representing the specified time, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL size_t gsFormatTime (GSTimestamp timestamp, GSChar *strBuf, size_t bufSize)
static GSTimestamp parse(string str) Returns the GSTimestampa value corresponding to the specified string, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL GSBool gsParseTime (const GSChar *str, GSTimestamp *timestamp)